IFS trailheads specifically for White People:

I approach anti-racism from a Calling In perspective vs. shame-based Calling Out.
see: Ross, 2019: with full credit to Challenging Racism for sharing this resource).

As such, with kindness I offer trailheads that continue to help me explore my own White-socialized parts. May they help you in your journey:

What parts keep you disconnected from yourself on the issue of racism?
What parts help keep you connected to yourself on the issue of racism?

What parts do you notice coming up in your interactions with Black, Indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC) personally or professionally when it comes to the topic of racism? (this question is especially important if you serve people of color as a White therapist).

What parts keep you connected to BIPOC communities or fellow white people in your life around the issue of racism?
What parts keeps you disconnected from BIPOC communities or fellow white people in your life around the issue of racism?

As you sit with the notion that you have parts of you socialized to be racist, what in you says "that’s not me?"
What parts have you noticed that may want to avoid, deny, dissociate or look the other way when it comes to racism?

What parts come up for you in considering that as white people, we benefit from systemic racism?
As you sit with the notion that you as a white person have benefited from systemic racism, what in you says "not me?"

What parts help keep you talking with other white people about being white or about racial issues?
What parts keep you from talking with other white people about being white or about racial issues?
If you share these trailheads with others, please reference my name as the original source of these, out of respect.  Let's not perpetuate white supremacy culture by taking without referencing the original source. Thank you! 

Experiential Anti-Racism Groups & Communities

On Parenting & Raising Anti-racist Kids

Training & Resources

On Whiteness, White Racial Identity & White Body Supremacy Culture