Find a Therapist who practices both EMDR and Internal Family Systems (IFS)

*Please note: Therapists listed in the directory are self-identified as practicing both EMDR and IFS and have not been screened by Daphne Fatter, Ph.D., PLLC.


Daphne Fatter, Ph.D., PLLC.  cannot and does not provide any warranties related to the information contained in or resulting services from person listed in this Directory. Information accessed through this Directory is provided “AS IS” and without any warranty, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness.

Daphne Fatter, Ph.D., PLLC. does not examine, determine, or warrant the competence of any therapist listed in this Directory. Daphne Fatter, Ph.D., PLLC. does not warrant that the therapists listed in this Directory are currently or properly licensed. Under no circumstances should this Directory be used to verify the credentials of therapists. Use of this Directory to locate a therapist is wholly voluntary and will not result in any liability against Daphne Fatter, Ph.D., PLLC. In no event shall Daphne Fatter, Ph.D. PLLC., be liable for damages to any user of the Directory. It is prohibited to use this directory for political, for commercial (i.e. selling or promoting to people in the directory) or for research purposes.

Click here if you are a therapist that practices both EMDR and Internal Family Systems, to add yourself to this directory.

TimestampNameLocationOffers Virtual Appointments (Teletherapy)EmailWebsite URL
12/27/2023 14:25:14Bill